Self-learning Software Developer, Photographer & photo Editor through researching and learning from the internet, Looking forward to become A Full-Stack Web developer.

About Me

I was never the best at school or in the educational systems, I'm just a super curious guy who loves to question about everything and wonder, I have great interest in Science and technology, Specially engineering like Software Development and Electrical Engineering, I love to code So at 16 years old, I started to tech myself more about coding and software engineering, I started with C programming language and now I have much bigger Experience and skills in programming, My goal now is to become A Full-Stack Web Developer and I hope I will reach that goal in the next three years, If you are interested in my projects or just want contact me for commercial purposes, Contact Me through my contact information, Fainally, Be great and Stay safe.

My Lastest Projects

Video Downloader

The is a Desktop app written with python and qt designer, To downlaod videos and playlist from youtube.

Show on Github
Telegram Bot API

A bot that able to Download any Manga or japanece comex you want and turn them into a PDF files to make it easy for you to read.

Show on Github
Local Server With Pi

This is supposed to be a Pi local server project to control my room remotely and made my room a smart room.

Coming Soon ...